
More About Variety Of Animal

More About Variety Of Animal

An animal is a living organism that is Eukaryotic and belongs to the Animalia kingdom. There exist seven classifications of animals for which the animal is recognized under particular species. This is defined as taxonomic ranks. These include

  • Kingdom
  • Phylum/Division
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus

Like humans, animals also take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. They need food and shelter, where food can be plants, grains, etc. In return, animals provide us food, shelter, security, and raw materials for making clothes, medicine, plastic, cosmetics and beauty products, etc. People use animals for producing healthy foods like eggs, milk, meat, fish, fiber, and energy sources.

Variety Of Pets

Types of animals:

  • Birds

Birds and warm-blooded class Aves. They are characterized by feathers, jaws(toothless), four-chambered heart, lightweight skeleton, and powerful muscles to flap their wings.

Examples: Parrots, Blackbird, Hummingbird, Owls, Woodpeckers, Herons, Finches, etc.

  • Mammals

Mammals are also warm-blooded vertebrates that are characterized by their hair, fur, production of milk, giving birth to live babies, etc.

Examples: Dog, Goat, Bats, Carnivores, Elephants, Tiger, Marsupials, Wolf, Pig, Horse, Cat, Sheep, Koala, etc.

  • Reptiles

Reptiles are animals that move or crawl using their bellies or on their short legs. Examples are snakes and lizards. They belong to the Reptilia class which is cold-blooded and produces shelled eggs.

Examples: Turtles, Dinosaur, Crocodiles, Chameleons, Dragon, Alligators, etc.

  • Insects

Insects can be simply defined as animals without backbones. They are invertebrates with wings.

Examples: Flies, Bees, Lice, Bugs, Beetles, Ants, Orthoptera, Pterygota, Flea, Earwig, Blattodea, Stoneflies, Mayfly, Scorpionflies, etc.

  • Fishes

Unlike other animals, fishes don’t have fingers or toes. Instead, they live with their gills and limbs. They are aquatic, and cannot survive without water. They take water into their mouth, absorb oxygen, and release carbon dioxide using gills.

Examples: Eurasian carp, Snakehead murrel, Guppy, Siamese fighting fish, Goldfish, Oscar, Swordfish, Nile tilapia, Suckermouth catfish, etc.

  • Amphibians

Amphibians are cold-blooded animals that live on both land and water. They live mostly in water or any moist area for their body to be moist. This type of species includes a frog, toads, salamanders, newts, caecilians, American bullfrog, Cane toad, Poison dart frogs, etc.

  • Invertebrates

Invertebrates are a type of species that neither have any backbone nor spine. They are the cold-blooded animals that can live on land.

Examples: Insects, spiders, worms, Silverfish, Clione limacina, Kiwa hirsute, Portuguese man o’ war, Common octopus, Goliath birdeater, coconut crab, blue mussels, crab louse, housefly, giant African snail, Ascaris lumbricoides, etc.

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